Information for Clients.

You are welcome to phone 0493864062 or email at with an enquiry or to make an appointment enquiry.

Your enquiry or referral will be responded to with a thorough intake via telephone or email to ensure your specific needs are identified and also to answer any queries you might have, or make recommendations (for example, around care team arrangements) that prioritise your health. You will also be asked to complete some registration and consent forms and we may require an up-to-date medical assessment or a referral if this has not already been completed.

Medical Assessment

A requirement of Naomi Coulter Psychology is that all clients undertake a thorough assessment with a GP prior to the first appointment being booked. This will normally include the GP assessing the current eating disorder symptoms, your mental health and wellbeing and your physical health including heart rate, blood pressure, weight & height, recent weight trajectory. Your GP may also order blood tests and an ECG. This medical assessment is required even if you would like to pay privately or receive services through a third party funder. If you would like to receive Medicare Rebates, you will also need a referral from your GP, in addition to the medical assessment.

Click Here to download Medical Assessment Guidelines to take along to your GP visit.

We recommend that you make an appointment to see your GP as soon as possible, in order to prevent any delays from accessing services. It is important to have regular reviews with the GP and at times we may request an up-to-date assessment prior to the first appointment.

First Appointment

The first appointment will be an assessment session, where Naomi will spend time getting to know you, understanding your concerns and learning about your needs. For adolescents, the first two appointments held are assessment sessions and involve an assessment with parents and family members.

Medical Rebates

Better Access to Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP):

The MHCP allows individuals who are diagnosed with a mental health condition (including an eating disorder) to access Medicare rebates for psychological services.

What does the MHCP provide?

The MHCP provides Medicare rebates for up to 10 individual and 10 group sessions of psychological therapy per calendar year. 

Who is eligible for a MHCP?

Your medical practitioner (GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician) will assess your eligibility, but generally individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition are able to access this plan. 

How do I access a MHCP?

You will require a referral from your medical practitioner (GP, psychiatrist, or paediatrician). If consulting with your GP, we recommend you book an extended appointment to ensure you have adequate time to complete a plan. 

Eligible clients can receive up to 10 individual sessions in a calendar year. After the first six sessions, a review with your GP is required where you can discuss your progress and make further treatment plans if necessary.

What are the rebates for a MHCP?

The rebate amount will vary depending on the clinician that you see. For the latest Medicare Benefits Schedule information, please visit:

Eating Disorder Management Plan (EDmP):

The Eating Disorder Management Plan (EDMP) allows eligible clients who are diagnosed with an eating disorder to access Medicare rebates. 

What does the EDMP provide?

  • Eligible clients are able to access up to 40 sessions of evidence-based eating disorder psychological treatment (within a 12 month period)  under an Eating Disorder Psychological Treatment (EDPT) plan. 

  • Eligible clients are able to access up to 20 dietetic services with an Accredited Practising Dietitian (within a 12 month period) under an Eating Disorder Dietetic Treatment (EDDT) plan. 

Who is eligible an EDMP?

  • All individuals with a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa are eligible

  • Clients with other eating disorder presentations (such as Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, or Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders/OSFED) may be eligible if their condition is considered “severe”. 

What is considered a “severe”** presentation for conditions other than Anorexia Nervosa?

This will be assessed by your treating team, but the following criteria are considered:

  • Rapid weight loss, frequent binge eating episodes, or compensatory behaviours that occur more than three times per week 

  • Current or high risk of associated medical complications

  • Serious psychological or medical comorbidity

  • An eating disorder-related hospital admission in the past 12 months 

  • Inadequate treatment response after 6 months of consistent, evidence-based eating disorder treatment 

  • Your doctor or psychologist will complete a psychometric assessment (the EDE-Q) with you, that will also contribute in determining if a condition is considered “severe”** 

** Please note, the EDMP criteria that determine severity do not adequately represent the severity of suffering, nor the worthiness of care, for individuals afflicted by conditions outside of these criteria.

How do I access the EDMP plan?

Ask your GP, psychiatrist, or paediatrician to prepare an Eating Disorder Management Plan (EDMP). We recommend you request an extended appointment to ensure you have adequate time available to complete the information required.

What are the rebates for an EDMP?

The rebate amount will vary depending on the clinician that you see. For the latest Medicare Benefits Schedule information, please visit:

Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM):

A Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM) enables clients with a chronic health condition requiring a multidisciplinary care team approach to access Medicare rebates for allied health services.

What does a CDM provide?

The CDM allows eligible clients to access Medicare rebates for up to 5 sessions of allied health services (e.g. dietitian, psychologist, occupational therapist, social worker, etc.) within a calendar year. 

Who is eligible for a CDM?

Clients who have a chronic health condition (chronicity of more than 6 months) that requires a multidisciplinary care team approach. A chronic eating disorder may meet these requirements. 

How do I access a CDM?

You will require a referral from your GP and we recommend you book an extended appointment to ensure you have adequate time to complete a plan. 

What are the rebates for a CDM? 

Dietetics (10954): $56

Mental Health Service (10956): $56

Psychology (10968): $56

Private Health Insurance

Most private health funds will provide some cover for psychological services. However, the level of cover varies significantly and is also dependent on your particular policy. It is best to check this with your private health fund directly.

Cancellation Policy

We require sufficient notice (48 business hours) for cancellations, in order for us to reallocate your appointment time to another person. If less notice is received, a cancellation fee will apply which is not covered by a Medicare rebate. Please be mindful of this when scheduling and confirming your appointments. For detailed information on cancellation fees, please contact Naomi directly.